Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Fed up with FB (Facebook)

As much as I do love being on facebook to keep in touch with many of my friends and family- it is becoming more and more disgusting.  Full of complaints and foul language.  Why do people now a days not use filters?  People are constantly airing dirty laundry, telling way too much information and just being vulgar.  Is that what our society has become?  I know this makes me sound old but kids these days blow my mind, how they speak and how they treat others.  I would have never even considered using some of the language they use, there is no respect anymore.  It's pretty sad when  you have block your own family members because of the language they use or the constant ranting that goes on.  Okay I'll get off my soap box :)  I guess I just look at it as a place to stay in touch with family and friends I really don't need to know everyone's problems and every single emotion.


  1. Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo with you on that one! I needed more time in my life and got rid of it but man I do NOT miss all the drama of fights over FB from bored SAHM's that I know or stuff that i NEVER cared to know! Like color of underclothing! ha ha! Miss seeing pics of friends that live in different states... and that is about IT! ha ha!

  2. I wholeheartedly agree! Some people really drive me nuts on FB!
