Monday, September 19, 2011

Monday Mornings....uggg!

I can't be the only person that hates Monday mornings.....okay it's not just the morning I hate.  What makes it so difficult is #1 my husband is off on mondays.....doesn't really seem fair.  Well my one peaceful time of the day is my commute in, well as peaceful as a commute can be- but monday mornings- they start calling me on the radio on my way in and I hear my phone beeping with email after email and text after text.  I stop at a light and check my phone- 35 emails already at 6:50am- seriously?  That just starts my day off with a bang and puts me in a bad mood- like I need any help!

1 comment:

  1. LOL! My sentiments EXACTLY!! EVERYTHING I did this morning I felt like it took 10x's longer than it should of! Ugh! I hate feeling behind!! And 35 emails.. UGH! Id be in a bad mood too!
