Doug and I had a wonderful summer. We didn't do anything super exciting just spent a lot of time at the beach, reading and relaxing. Our time there is always so short. We really have enjoyed the blessings God has given us and the opportunities he has provided. I know I've said it a million times but I'm so thankful for my husband- God definitely knew what he was doing when he brought me Doug.
Okay so back to God's timing. I've struggled over the last several years with the fact that we haven't been able to have children. And earlier this summer God placed a special person in my life that has really helped me truly appreciate the blessings I have and helped my heart heal by sharing her love and friendship. God really does know what he's doing!

Can you tell they enjoyed picking out their Pumpkins?
Good to read your post, you've been on my mind lately and I wondered how you were. Glad you had a nice summer. =) I never thought we'd have children. God definitely surprised us. I know many people never get the opportunity, it makes me appreciate the lack of sleep so much more.