Yesterday on my way to work in the DC area- I passed a guy in a residential area walking not one but two full grown pigs- I don't mean the pot-bellied pigs people keep as pets- these were full grown regular hogs! It was hilarious he was walking them like you'd walk a dog. I should have pulled over and taken a picture.
Iola- I apologize I just got your giveaway packaged and ready to mail on monday. I honestly thought I had already sent it until I saw it in my craft room. Please, please forgive me!
I'm so excited for this coming week- I just got some of my Grandmothers furniture delivered and I'll finally have time to get everything moved around and placed. Also, my very best friend Renee is finally coming to visit me- it's been 7 yrs since I've seen her and I'm so very excited! I've felt like a teenage girl since we made the plans so excited I can hardly stand it!!!!
It's all good. I know how life can get. :) Have fun with your very best friend. I get like that too when I know mine is coming and we get to see each other more often, but I'm sure yours is a millionfold. I sure am enjoying this blog btw.