Sunday, March 25, 2012

Wonderful Weekend @ The Beach!

Yes I know it's not beach weather yet- but my husband and I had a fabulous relaxing weekend.  Sometimes it's just nice to chill out, relax and read a good book or catch up on Hulu. So thankful for the time we get to share together and so thankful to be married to such an amazing man.  I am truly blessed!  When I sit down to start counting my blessings it usually overwhelms me.  It really keeps things in perspective for me-when I start to feel sorry for myself or wish I had something I don't. 

I want to remind everyone to be thankful for what and who they have in their lives.  Some people close to me are going through some difficult marital situations and it just reminds me again and again to be so grateful for the marriage I have and to remember that marriage is hard work but so worth it in the end.  I think that's the bottom line- marriage is hard work at times- but the end result can be amazing.  I've been reflecting on so many people that I went to high school and college with that have already been divorced and some more than once- it really breaks my heart- but I truly believe too many people rush into marriage and get married way too young.  I think our society has made marriage so trivial and meaningless that people don't really take it seriously.  It is no longer an institution that people strive to withhold at almost any costs.  It's more of a trial run situation and if it doesn't work oh well.  Okay enough of my ramblings...

Happy Spring to you all!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

I have seen it all....

Yesterday on my way to work in the DC area- I passed a guy in a residential area walking not one but two full grown pigs- I don't mean the pot-bellied pigs people keep as pets- these were full grown regular hogs!  It was hilarious he was walking them like you'd walk a dog.  I should have pulled over and taken a picture.

Iola- I apologize I just got your giveaway packaged and ready to mail on monday.  I honestly thought I had already sent it until I saw it in my craft room.  Please, please forgive me! 

I'm so excited for this coming week- I just got some of my Grandmothers furniture delivered and I'll finally have time to get everything moved around and placed.  Also, my very best friend Renee is finally coming to visit me- it's been 7 yrs since I've seen her and I'm so very excited!  I've felt like a teenage girl since we made the plans so excited I can hardly stand it!!!!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Spring has Sprung

I know it may be a little early but the weather has been so lovely this week so far- my tulips and daffodils are blooming and look so beautiful.  Daffodils remind me so much of my Grandma, when I was a little girl she had the most beautiful daffodils in her yard and she loved them so much.  This year so far has been so much better and God is really giving me more of a peace, I don't feel as empty as I did last year.  I still miss her every day but my heart is healing.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Losing Faith in Humanity....

Lately, I've had some issues at work that have been very difficult.  A trusted employee and someone I worked with for over a decade betrayed us all and stole from our company.  That was a real shock to my system.  I haven't gotten over that yet and I had to fire another employee just last week for cheating the company and turning in false times.

I know these type of things happen all the time but it doesn't make it any easier to handle or even understand.  I guess people just don't have Integrity anymore.  It's so very sad and disappointing, it just reminds me the only one we can truly count on is God.  No lies, no deceit, no betrayal.  If that relationship goes south it is on us.  No matter how far I've ever gotten away from my relationship with God over the years, I've always known it was me walking away and not God.  I've always known that it just takes me turning around and walking in the opposite direction.  I have always taken comfort in the fact he always accepts me back.  As much faith as we like to have in people they will always disappoint.  It is so wonderful to have at least that one constant that we can always depend on!

Congratulations to the Winner of the February 2012 Giveaway!!!

Iola- just email me your address and I'll get it packaged and shipped.  (

Congrats!  I hope you enjoy your little goodie basket!  Thank you all for commenting and participating!