Sunday, September 18, 2011

Reflections on Life

I find the older I get the more I think about my life and what I've done with it and how I've affected other people.  Recently my 17 yr old niece made some unwise decisions and she kept saying I didn't hurt anyone but myself.  I'm not sure we've been able to make her understand even yet that almost all of your decisions affect others.  I realize you cannot go through life trying to please everyone but there are some decisions in our lives we really need to think before we execute.  I truly try to live my life pleasing to God, am I perfect....of course NOT.   But I do think it's important to live your life with others in mind.  I personally have been very blessed in so many areas and there are some areas that I struggle with that I haven't been so blessed- it's a constant juggling act for me to remind myself that God has been so good to me.  Even though God hasn't given me the desire of my heart...Yet...doesn't mean I should be ungrateful or forget the wonderful blessings I have had my entire life.  I just really think it's important to reflect from time to time and remember all the wonderful things in our lives- it's easy for us all to focus on the bad since in today's society it seems so prevalent.

1 comment:

  1. Soooo true! A relative of Jasons did something stupid and is living with that decision and JUST yesterday Jason and I were talkin about how it affects sooo many people! Even though they werent close it affects Jason in a certain way every other year or so! No man is an island.. that is for sure!

    And great points about taking time to see the good and reflect on it. It is so easy to always think of the other stuff! Sooo easy!
